
The only stand alone novel by VC Andrews

Audrina Adare wanted so to be as good as her sister. She knew her father could not love her as he loved her sister. Her sister was so special, so perfect -- and dead.

Upstairs in the locked room were her sister's clothes and dolls, her animals and games -- and her sacred rocking chair, which held the secret of all her sister's gifts. Now Audrina will rock and rock and claim those gifts.

Now she will come face to face with the dangerous, terrifying secret that everyone knows.
Everyone except... My Sweet Audrina.

Chapter Listing

Part One

In the Cupola
The Rocking Chair
Tuesday Teatime
Lions and Lambs
Arden Lowe
The Nightmare in Daylight

Part Two

Music Begins Again
Wishes Come True
Almost a Normal Life
Solving Dilemmas
A Long Day's Journey
I Take Thee, Arden

Part Three

Home Again
A Second Life
Breaking Through
Again Upon a Rainy Day
Last Rites
The Secret of Wind Chimes
The First Audrina
Papa's Story
The Last Spin of the Web

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